Plant Growth is more than just a spell—it’s a tool for creative problem-solving, a boon for agricultural prosperity, and a strategic asset in both combat and exploration.

Whether you’re looking to slow down enemies with impassable thickets or boost the harvest in a struggling village, this 3rd-level Transmutation spell offers a wealth of possibilities.

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Plant Growth, exploring its mechanics, effective uses, and the pros and cons that come with wielding this verdant magic.

So grab your arcane focus, put on your thinking cap, and let’s get ready to make the world a greener, more interesting place!

What is Plant Growth?

Plant Growth is a 3rd-level Transmutation spell that turns the natural world into your playground.

Imagine you’re deep in the heart of an ancient forest, surrounded by towering trees and a symphony of wildlife. Suddenly, your party is ambushed by a band of marauding orcs.

As a quick-thinking Druid or Ranger, you raise your hand, utter a few arcane words, and watch as the plants around you surge to life, transforming the battlefield into a tangled maze that hinders your foes and gives your allies the upper hand.

With a casting time of either 1 action or 8 hours, this spell can either create a dense, impassable thicket in a 100-foot radius to slow down your enemies or supercharge the flora in a half-mile radius to yield double the produce for an entire year.

Versatile and impactful, Plant Growth is a must-have for any nature-loving spellcaster looking to control the battlefield or boost their community’s resources.

LEVEL: 3rd

CASTING TIME: 1 Action OR 8 Hours

RANGE/AREA: 150 ft



SCHOOL: Transmutation



SPELL LISTS: Bard, Druid, Ranger, Cleric (Nature Domain), Paladin (Oath of the Ancients), Warlock (The Archfey Patron)

This spell channels vitality into plants within a specific area. There are two possible uses for the spell, granting either immediate or long-term benefits.

If you cast this spell using 1 action, choose a point within range. All normal plants in a 100-foot radius centered on that point become thick and overgrown. A creature moving through the area must spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves.

You can exclude one or more areas of any size within the spell’s area from being affected.

If you cast this spell over 8 hours, you enrich the land. All plants in a half-mile radius centered on a point within range become enriched for 1 year. The plants yield twice the normal amount of food when harvested.

How to Use Plant Growth Effectively

When it comes to maximizing the potential of Plant Growth, creativity and strategy are your best friends.

This spell isn’t just for making your garden flourish; it’s a game-changer in both combat and non-combat scenarios. Let’s break down how you can wield this verdant magic to its fullest!

In Combat

  • Creating Difficult Terrain: Need to slow down a charging horde or create a defensive perimeter? Cast Plant Growth with a single action to transform a 100-foot radius into a tangled mess of vegetation! Enemies will find themselves slogging through the underbrush, spending 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot they advance. This can turn the tide of battle, giving your party precious time to regroup or launch a counterattack.
  • Synergy with Other Spells: Combine Plant Growth with spells like Entangle or a clever placement of Spike Growth for a one-two punch of battlefield control. While your enemies struggle through the thick vegetation, they can also be restrained or take damage from the spiky terrain. This combo can effectively neutralize a group of foes, making them easy pickings for your allies.

Outside of Combat:

  • Agricultural Benefits: The 8-hour casting version of Plant Growth is a boon for any settlement or farming community. By enriching the soil and doubling the yield of plants in a half-mile radius for an entire year, you can ensure a bountiful harvest. This can be a lifesaver in campaigns where resources are scarce or where you need to win the favor of local townsfolk. Not to mention the worldbuilding benefits for your roleplaying!
  • Environmental Manipulation: Use Plant Growth to shape the natural world to your advantage. Need to create a natural barrier to protect a hidden camp? Want to obscure a trail from pursuing enemies? This spell can help you manipulate the environment, making it a versatile tool for exploration and survival.

Whether you’re using it to control the flow of battle or to nurture the land, Plant Growth is a spell that rewards ingenuity and foresight. With a little imagination, the possibilities are as boundless as the wilds themselves!

Pros and Cons of Plant Growth

Like any spell in your magical arsenal, Plant Growth comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Understanding these can help you decide when to unleash its power and when to save your spell slots for something else.


  • Versatility: Plant Growth shines in its ability to adapt to various situations. Whether you need to create difficult terrain in the heat of battle or boost the agricultural output of a struggling village, this spell has you covered.
  • Long-Term Benefits: The 8-hour casting version offers a massive boon to any agricultural community, doubling crop yields for an entire year. This can be a game-changer in campaigns where food and resources are crucial.
  • Area Control: In combat, the spell’s ability to create a 100-foot radius of difficult terrain can significantly hinder enemy movement, giving your party a tactical edge. It’s perfect for setting traps, creating chokepoints, or just buying time.
  • Non-Destructive: Unlike many battlefield control spells, Plant Growth doesn’t deal direct damage. This makes it ideal for situations where you want to control the environment without causing widespread destruction.


  • Limited Direct Damage: If you’re looking for a spell to deal immediate damage to your enemies, Plant Growth isn’t it. Its strength lies in control and support rather than offense.
  • Situational Use: The spell’s effectiveness is heavily dependent on the presence of natural plants. In barren or urban environments, its utility can be significantly diminished.
  • Casting Time: The 8-hour casting time for the enrichment effect is a massive commitment and may not always be practical, especially in time-sensitive scenarios or when you’re on the move.
  • Resource Management: While the spell can offer long-term benefits, it requires careful planning and resource management. Using it effectively means thinking ahead and considering the broader impact on your campaign.

In the right hands and the right setting, Plant Growth can be a formidable tool. Weighing its pros and cons will help you determine the best moments to let this spell flourish, turning the natural world into your greatest ally.


Can Plant Growth be used in urban environments?

While Plant Growth is most effective in areas with abundant natural vegetation, creative use can still make it valuable in urban settings. If there are parks, gardens, or even small patches of greenery, you can still cast the spell to create difficult terrain. However, its impact will be less dramatic compared to casting it in a forest or field.

How does Plant Growth interact with magical plants?

Plant Growth enhances all normal plants within its area of effect. While the spell doesn’t specifically mention magical plants, many Dungeon Masters may rule that it can still interact with them in creative ways. For instance, it might cause magical plants to grow faster or become more potent, but this is ultimately up to the DM’s discretion.

Can the spell be dispelled or countered?

Yes, Plant Growth can be countered when it is being cast using Counterspell. However, the effect cannot be dispelled using Dispel Magic. This is because the plants were grown with magic but are not themselves magical (i.e., the effect is Instant). Unless the plants are physically removed or altered by another spell, they’re permanent.

Can Plant Growth be used underwater?

In theory, yes. If there are aquatic plants such as seaweed or kelp within the area of effect, casting Plant Growth can cause them to grow and thicken, potentially creating difficult underwater terrain. This can be particularly useful in aquatic campaigns or encounters.

Final Thoughts – Plant Growth 5e

Plant Growth is a testament to the power of nature and the ingenuity of spellcasters who know how to wield it.

Whether you’re turning the tide of battle with a sudden surge of vegetation or ensuring a village’s prosperity with bountiful crops, this spell offers endless possibilities for creative and strategic play.

I hope this deep dive into Plant Growth has inspired you to explore its full potential in your campaigns. The next time you find yourself in a tight spot or looking to make a lasting impact on the world around you, remember the humble yet mighty power of this spell.

But now, I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences with Plant Growth. Have you used it in a particularly clever way? Did it save the day in an unexpected moment? Share your stories and tips in the comments below!

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