Imagine standing in a dimly lit chamber, the air thick with the scent of burning incense, as you prepare to ask a long-deceased warrior about a hidden treasure or an unsolved mystery.

The Speak With Dead spell in D&D 5e offers adventurers the tantalizing opportunity to communicate with the departed, seeking answers that lie beyond the grave.

Whether you’re a seasoned Dungeon Master crafting intricate plots or a curious player eager to unlock the secrets of the past, this spell can add new (though maybe a bit grim…) layers to your campaign.

Today, we’ll delve into the fascinating mechanics of “Speak With Dead,” explore how to use it effectively, and weigh its pros and cons.

By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to make the most of this necromantic tool, adding depth and intrigue to your adventures.

So, gather your courage (and shovel) and prepare to converse with the spirits—there’s a world of untold stories waiting to be uncovered!

What is “Speak With Dead”?

“Speak With Dead” is a 3rd-level necromancy spell in D&D 5e that lets you chat with corpses. With just a bit of incense and some arcane gestures, you can ask a dead body up to five questions.

The catch? The corpse only knows what it knew in life, and its answers can be brief, cryptic, or repetitive.

It’s not a resurrection—just a temporary Q&A session with the dearly departed. Perfect for uncovering secrets, solving mysteries, or adding a spooky twist to your campaign!

LEVEL: 3rd




DURATION: 10 minutes

SCHOOL: Necromancy


DAMAGE/EFFECT: Communication

SPELL LISTS: Bard, Cleric, Warlock (Undying Patron and the Undead Patron)

You grant the semblance of life and intelligence to a corpse of your choice within range, allowing it to answer the questions you pose. The corpse must still have a mouth and can’t be undead. The spell fails if the corpse was the target of this spell within the last 10 days.

Until the spell ends, you can ask the corpse up to five questions. The corpse knows only what it knew in life, including the languages it knew. Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive, and the corpse is under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if you are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an enemy.

This spell doesn’t return the creature’s soul to its body, only its animating spirit. Thus, the corpse can’t learn new information, doesn’t comprehend anything that has happened since it died, and can’t speculate about future events.

* (burning incense)

How To Use Speak With Dead Effectively

So, you’ve got Speak With Dead ready to cast, but how exactly do you make the most of your eerie interrogation?

Here are some tips to ensure you get the best answers from beyond the grave!

Preparation is Key

First things first, choose your corpse wisely.

Make sure it’s someone who would actually know something useful about the topic at hand—there’s no point in asking the village blacksmith about courtly intrigue.

Additionally, it’s a good practice to have your questions ready BEFORE you cast the spell. Too much time spent trying to think of the “perfect” questions while the timer is ticking is a guaranteed way to ask the wrong questions or not even have time to ask them at all!

Also, remember the corpse needs a mouth and shouldn’t be undead. A zombie that’s trying to rip you limb from limb is only going to give you one response: “braaaaaaaaainsssssss

Casting the Spell

When you’re ready, gather your materials (a bit of burning incense) and cast the spell. This brings the corpse to a semblance of life, ready to answer your questions.

Keep in mind, you only have 10 minutes, so don’t dawdle.

Of course, it should go without saying that this isn’t something you want to try to use in a combat situation. Make sure that you’re in a secure location and can conduct your macabre inquisition in peace.

Questioning Techniques

Alright, here’s where the magic really happens. You get five questions, so make them count!

Be clear and concise.

Instead of asking “What happened to the treasure?” try “Where is the treasure hidden?” Direct questions are more likely to yield useful answers.

Additionally, keep in mind that the corpse will only know what it knew in life up to the moment of its death. If the corpse that you’re questioning died before seeing where the treasure was hidden, they won’t be able to help you and you’ll have wasted one question.

And one last important detail: the knowledge that it had in life also includes what languages it’s able to speak. If you’re asking questions to a deceased Gnome who, for whatever reason, never learned Common and you don’t speak Gnomish, it’s going to get a bit awkward.

Handling Uncooperative Corpses

Sometimes, the dead can be as stubborn as the living. If the corpse recognizes you as an enemy or just doesn’t want to help, you might get cryptic or misleading answers.

For example, a priest who dedicated their life to protecting a sacred item from outsiders isn’t going to let death stop them from fulfilling their duty. They might answer that you are not worthy of the item or direct you straight into a deadly trap.

In these cases, try to phrase your questions in a way that doesn’t give away your intentions or identity.

Of course, don’t forget that sometimes a handy casting of Disguise Self can also help the corpse be more endearing to you. Maybe you are disguised as a member of the priest’s order who has come to let the priest rest while you totally take up their responsibility… *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Pros and Cons of Speak With Dead 5e

Speak With Dead is a fascinating spell that can add layers of intrigue to your campaign, but like any tool, it has its upsides and downsides.

Let’s break it down:


  • Information Goldmine: Need to know where the treasure is buried or who the real murderer is? Speak With Dead can provide crucial intel straight from the source—no middleman required!
  • Mystery Solving: Perfect for detective-style adventures! You can use this spell to confirm alibis, uncover hidden motives, or piece together the events leading up to a crime.
  • Role-Playing Fun: Speak With Dead opens up some truly unique role-playing opportunities. Imagine the drama of interrogating a fallen hero or the tension of questioning a notorious villain.
  • Narrative Depth: Of course, we can’t forget how much this spell can add a spooky, supernatural element to your campaign, enriching the story and keeping players on their toes. It’s especially perfect for a Ravenloft campaign where spooky atmosphere is everything!


  • Limited Knowledge: As we covered earlier, the corpse in question only knows what it knew in life. If it didn’t witness the event you’re asking about, you’re out of luck.
  • Potentially Misleading: If the corpse recognizes you as an enemy or has reason to be uncooperative, it might give you cryptic or outright false answers. Talk about holding a grudge. eh?!
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Not every character or player is comfortable with necromancy. Using this spell can raise moral questions and potentially cause friction within the party that you should be prepared for. It might be wise to get the “okay” from everyone in the party, especially those allies (commonly certain Paladins, Clerics, and Druids) who might need some convincing on why this approach is a valid option.
  • Spell Restrictions: You can only use Speak With Dead on a corpse once every ten days, and it doesn’t work if the corpse has been targeted by this spell recently. Plus, it needs a mouth to speak, which can be unfortunate if the corpse is left headless, jawless, or otherwise too damaged to be of use.

FAQs – Speak With Dead 5e

What types of questions are most effective with Speak With Dead?

The best questions are direct and specific and similarly have clear and concise answers. Instead of asking vague or open-ended questions, focus on what you need to know and use your deduction skills to fill in the blanks.

Remember: it pays to prepare your questions ahead of casting the spell!

How often can Speak With Dead be used on the same corpse?

The spell can only be used on the same corpse once every 10 days. This limitation prevents repeated questioning and ensures that you need to think strategically about when and how to use it.

Can the spell be used on any corpse?

Not quite. The corpse must have a mouth to speak and can’t be undead. Additionally, the spell doesn’t work on a corpse that has been targeted by “Speak With Dead” within the last 10 days. So, choose your subjects wisely!

Are there any ethical considerations when using Speak With Dead?

Absolutely. The spell involves necromancy, which can be a touchy subject for some characters and players. It’s important to consider the ethical implications within your game world and discuss any potential discomfort with your group. Whether in-character or out of it, communication and respect are key to ensuring everyone enjoys the experience.

Is Speak With Dead a ritual spell?

Speak With Dead is not a ritual spell and therefore will require you to spend a spell slot to cast it. This is unless you have a magic item or feature (such as the Warlock’s “Whispers of the Grave” Invocation) that lets you cast it.

Final Thoughts – Speak With Dead 5e

And there you have it—everything you need to know about Speak With Dead in D&D 5e!

From its eerie mechanics to its strategic use and ethical considerations, this spell can add a whole new dimension to your adventures. Whether you’re uncovering hidden secrets, solving ancient mysteries, or just enjoying some spooky role-playing moments, “Speak With Dead” is a powerful tool in your magical arsenal.

I hope this guide has inspired you to give this spell a try in your next campaign.

Have you had any memorable experiences with “Speak With Dead”? Got any tips or tricks you’d like to share? We’d love to hear your stories and thoughts in the comments below!

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