Among the myriad of enchantments at your disposal in D&D 5e, one spell stands out for its ability to sow chaos and confusion among your enemies: Crown of Madness.

Imagine that you’re deep in the heart of a treacherous dungeon, surrounded by foes who seem to have the upper hand. Suddenly, with a flick of your wrist and a few arcane words, a sinister crown of jagged iron materializes on the head of an enemy warrior. Their eyes glow with an unsettling madness as they turn on their allies, causing mayhem in their ranks.

Sounds thrilling, doesn’t it?

In this article, we’ll delve into the details of Crown of Madness, exploring what makes this 2nd-level enchantment spell tick. We’ll cover everything from the spell’s mechanics to strategies for effective use, and we’ll weigh the pros and cons to help you decide when to unleash this chaotic charm.

So, grab your spellbook and prepare to master the art of turning your enemies against each other with Crown of Madness!

What is Crown of Madness 5e?

Crown of Madness is a 2nd-level enchantment spell that lets you turn an enemy against their own allies.

With a range of 120 feet, you can target a humanoid and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, a twisted crown of jagged iron appears on their head, and their eyes glow with madness.

For up to a minute, you control their actions, compelling them to use their attacks on a creature of your choice. It’s a potent spell for disrupting enemy formations and causing chaos on the battlefield!

LEVEL: 2nd


RANGE/AREA: 120 ft


DURATION: 1 minute, Concentration required

SCHOOL: Enchantment

ATTACK/SAVE: Wisdom Saving Throw


SPELL LISTS: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

One humanoid of your choice that you can see within range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the duration. While the target is charmed in this way, a twisted crown of jagged iron appears on its head, and a madness glows in its eyes.

The charmed target must use its action before moving on each of its turns to make a melee attack against a creature other than itself that you mentally choose. The target can act normally on its turn if you choose no creature or if none are within its reach.

On your subsequent turns, you must use your action to maintain control over the target, or the spell ends. Also, the target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a success, the spell ends.

How to Use Crown of Madness 5e Effectively

Unleashing the chaotic potential of Crown of Madness requires a bit of finesse and strategic thinking. Here are some tips to make the most out of this spell:

Choosing the Right Target

First and foremost, pick your target wisely.

Crown of Madness only works on humanoids, so make sure you’re aiming at the right type of creature. Look for enemies with low Wisdom scores—they’re more likely to fail the saving throw and fall under your spell’s influence.

Ideal targets include brutes and melee fighters who can wreak havoc among their own ranks.

Maintaining Control

Once you’ve cast the spell, maintaining concentration is crucial.

As the caster, you need to use your action each turn to keep the spell active. This means you can’t cast other concentration spells simultaneously, so plan accordingly.

Additionally, make sure to position yourself strategically either behind cover or at a safe distance. You need to minimize the risk of taking damage and potentially losing concentration. Be sure to enlist your party members to help protect you while you control the battlefield from afar!

Maximizing Impact

Think about positioning and timing to get the most out of Crown of Madness. Use the spell when your target is surrounded by their allies to maximize the chaos.

Each turn, you can choose which creature your charmed target will attack. Aim for high-value targets or those that are already weakened to turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Additionally, consider combining Crown of Madness with other spells or abilities that can further disorient or debilitate your enemies.

For example, maybe your party’s Druid has restrained the group of enemies by casting Entangle, which means the enemies won’t be able to get away from their charmed ally (who is potentially even attacking them with advantage!)

Pros and Cons of Crown of Madness 5e

Like any spell in your magical toolkit, Crown of Madness comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Let’s break them down so you can decide when and where to best wield this spell.


  • Control an Enemy: The primary perk of Crown of Madness is the ability to turn one of your foes against their own allies. This can create confusion and disrupt enemy strategies, giving your party a tactical edge.
  • Battlefield Disruption: By forcing an enemy to attack their comrades, you can break enemy formations and cause chaos. This is especially useful in tightly packed skirmishes where every action counts.
  • Psychological Warfare: The visual of a twisted crown and glowing eyes can be intimidating, potentially demoralizing your enemies and giving your party a psychological advantage as the enemies might be more likely to flee.
  • No Friendly Fire: One great aspect of this spell is that attacks by your allies on the charmed creature don’t break the spell. This allows for coordinated attacks without worrying about ending the enchantment prematurely.


  • Concentration Required: Crown of Madness demands concentration, meaning you can’t cast another concentration spell while maintaining it. Plus, if you take damage, you risk losing control of the spell.
  • Limited to Humanoids: The spell only works on humanoid targets, which can be a significant limitation depending on the types of enemies you face.
  • Wisdom Saving Throw: Your target gets a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns. If they succeed, the spell ends, potentially wasting your action and spell slot.
  • Action Economy: To keep the spell active, you must use your action each turn. This limits your ability to perform other actions, making you somewhat less flexible in combat.
  • Situational Effectiveness: The spell’s effectiveness largely depends on the battlefield scenario. In some cases, there may be no suitable targets within reach, reducing the spell’s impact.

In whatever situation you’re in, you want to weigh these pros and cons. By doing that, you can better determine when and if Crown of Madness will shine in your adventures.

Use it wisely to turn the tide of battle and keep your enemies guessing!

FAQs – Crown of Madness 5e

Can Crown of Madness be used on non-humanoid creatures?

No, “Crown of Madness” specifically targets humanoids. If you try to cast it on a non-humanoid creature, the spell will have no effect.

Can the charmed target choose not to attack if there are no enemies within reach?

Yes, if there are no valid targets within the charmed creature’s reach, they can act normally. This means they can move, use other abilities, or take any action they choose.

Can the caster change the target of the charmed creature’s attack each turn?

Absolutely! Each turn, you can choose a different creature for the charmed target to attack, as long as it’s a valid target within their reach. This allows you to adapt to the changing dynamics of the battlefield.

What happens if the charmed creature has multiple attacks per turn?

The charmed creature must use its action to make a melee attack against a creature you choose. If it has multiple attacks as part of its action, it can use all of them against the chosen target.

Can the charmed creature use its movement to reach the chosen target?

Yes, the charmed creature can use its movement to get within reach of the chosen target if needed. However, it must use its action to make the attack before moving.

Will my allies end the spell early by attacking the charmed creature?

No, attacks by your allies on the charmed creature do not end the spell. The creature remains charmed and under your control unless it succeeds on a Wisdom saving throw or you lose concentration.

Conclusion – Crown of Madness 5e

With “Crown of Madness” in your magical repertoire, you’re ready to turn the battlefield into a theater of chaos and confusion. Whether you’re forcing a brutish enemy to turn on their allies or creating a moment of pure pandemonium, this spell offers a unique way to disrupt and dominate your foes.

Remember, the key to mastering “Crown of Madness” lies in strategic thinking and careful execution. Choose your targets wisely, maintain your concentration, and position yourself for maximum impact.

With practice and a bit of cunning, you’ll become a maestro of mayhem in no time!

We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences with Crown of Madness. Have you used it to great effect in your campaigns? Do you have any tips or stories to share? Drop your comments below and join the conversation!

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