Whether you’re a seasoned wizard or a budding sorcerer, having at least a few truly dependable spells at the ready is key to surviving and thriving in your epic quests.

So today, we’re diving into one of the most iconic and reliable spells in all of D&D: Magic Missile.

Imagine this: you’re in the heat of battle, surrounded by enemies, and your party’s fate hangs in the balance. You need a spell that never misses, one that can strike multiple foes or focus all its power on a single target.

Enter Magic Missile, the spell that has been a staple of arcane arsenals since the earliest days of D&D.

In this article, we’ll unravel the mysteries of Magic Missile, exploring its mechanics, strategic uses, and the reasons why it remains a favorite among spellcasters. We’ll also weigh the pros and cons to help you decide when to unleash this spell in your adventures.

So, grab your wand, ready your components, and let’s embark on a journey to master the art of Magic Missile in D&D 5e!

What is Magic Missile 5e?

Magic Missile is a classic 1st-level evocation spell in Dungeons & Dragons that conjures three darts of magical force.

Each dart automatically hits its target, dealing 1d4 + 1 force damage. You can direct the darts to hit one creature or spread them out among several foes.

With an impressive range of 120 feet and the ability to scale by adding more darts when upcast with higher-level spell slots, there’s a reason Magic Missile has its reputation as a reliable and versatile option for any spellcaster looking to deal consistent damage without the risk of missing!

LEVEL: 1st


RANGE/AREA: 120 ft



SCHOOL: Evocation


DAMAGE/EFFECT: Force damage

SPELL LISTS: Sorcerer, Wizard, Arcana Cleric, Armorer Artificer

You create three glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range.

A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart for each slot level above 1st.

Recommended: Using and Managing the Wizard’s Spellbook in D&D 5e

How to Use “Magic Missile” Effectively

So, you’ve got Magic Missile in your spellbook, and you’re ready to rain down some arcane justice. But how do you make the most out of this trusty spell?

Let’s break it down and ensure you’re using Magic Missile to its fullest potential.

Target Selection: Precision Strikes

One of the greatest strengths of Magic Missile is its versatility in targeting. Each casting of the spell conjures three glowing darts of magical force (more if you upcast it), and you can direct these darts to hit one creature or several.

Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Multiple Weak Enemies: If you’re facing a horde of goblins, twig blights, or other low-HP creatures, spreading your darts can potentially clear the field quickly. Each dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage, which is often enough to take out weaker foes.
  • Single Strong Enemy: When up against a tougher adversary, focusing all your darts on a single target can whittle down their hit points reliably. This is especially useful against enemies with high Armor Class (AC) or against really speedy enemies like Quicklings that are tough to hit since Magic Missile hits automatically!

Tactical Advantages: Guaranteed Hits

Speaking of hitting automatically…

In the chaotic fray of battle, nothing is more frustrating than missing your target. Luckily, Magic Missile takes that worry off the table.

Here’s why:

  • Automatic Hit: Unlike most attack spells, Magic Missile doesn’t require an attack roll. This means it will always hit, making it perfect for finishing off elusive or high-AC enemies.
  • Consistent Damage: Each dart deals a predictable amount of damage (1d4 + 1), so you always know what to expect. This consistency can be a lifesaver when you need to ensure a certain amount of damage.

Combining with Class Features

Magic Missile can be even more potent when combined with other spells and class features. Here are a few tips to maximize its impact:

  • Sorcerer’s Metamagic: If you’re a Sorcerer, consider using the Quickened Spell Metamagic to unleash an arcane volley with Magic Missile, then follow it up with a cantrip like Fire Bolt to pepper some extra damage onto an enemy that’s still standing. In those white-knuckle “clutch” moments, you can also use Empowered Spell to reroll low damage dice when you absolutely need to drop an enemy before they can flee.
  • Wizard’s Arcane Recovery: Wizards can regain spell slots during a short rest, allowing for more frequent use of Magic Missile without worrying about conserving resources. As a level 1 spell, you can virtually always have at least one spell slot for casting Magic Missile up your sleeve!

By understanding how to strategically deploy Magic Missile, you can turn this classic spell into a powerful tool in your magical arsenal. In no time at all, you’ll see why it’s such a beloved “oldie but goodie” among D&D players for decades now!

Whether you’re clearing a path through a swarm of enemies or chipping away at a formidable foe, “Magic Missile” has got you covered. So go forth and let those magical darts fly!

Recommended: Sorcerer Metamagic in D&D 5e Explained!

Magic Chicken Missiles because… why not?

Pros and Cons of “Magic Missile”

“Magic Missile” might be the bread and butter of many spellcasters, but like every spell in Dungeons & Dragons, it comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

Let’s dive into the pros and cons to help you decide when to let those magical darts fly and when to keep them in your spellbook for later.


  1. Guaranteed Hit: One of the most compelling reasons to use “Magic Missile” is that it never misses. Whether your target is dodging, hiding, or heavily armored, those darts will always find their mark. This makes it a go-to option when you absolutely need to deal damage.
  2. Consistent Damage: Each dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage, which means you can reliably calculate the minimum and maximum damage you’ll inflict. This consistency can be crucial in tight situations where every point of damage counts.
  3. Targeting Versatility: The ability to split your darts among different enemies or concentrate them on a single foe gives you tactical flexibility. This can be particularly useful for thinning out groups of weaker enemies or focusing fire on a tough opponent.
  4. Force Damage: Force damage is one of the least resisted damage types in the game. Because there are very few creatures in D&D 5e that have resistance or immunity to this type of damage, Magic Missile is almost always going to be effective.


  1. Scaling Issues: While “Magic Missile” is fantastic at lower levels, its damage doesn’t scale quite as well as some other spells when you start casting higher-level spells. Spells like Fireball or Lightning Bolt will often outshine “Magic Missile” in terms of sheer damage output. It’s up to you to decide between dealing more damage or just going for a guaranteed hit depending on the situation.
  2. Shield Spell Counter: One of the few but significant drawbacks is that the Shield spell (very popular among spellcasters) can completely negate “Magic Missile.” If your opponent has Shield ready, your guaranteed hits suddenly become guaranteed misses, which can be a frustrating turn of events.
  3. Lack of Area Damage: Unlike spells that deal area-of-effect damage, “Magic Missile” focuses on single targets (or a few targets). This makes it less effective in situations where you need to deal with large groups of enemies quickly.

“Magic Missile” has remained a beloved staple for spellcasters due to its reliability and versatility more than anything else.

While it may not always be the flashiest or most powerful option, its guaranteed hit and consistent damage make it a dependable choice, especially in those all-important critical moments. By knowing the pros and cons of this spell, you’ll have a better idea of when and where to use it to maximum effect!

FAQs – Magic Missile 5e

Can the darts from Magic Missile be directed at different targets?

Absolutely! It’s up to you to decide which darts go where. In some situations, you might want to spread them out to hit multiple creatures, and in other situations, you might want to fire all of them at one specific foe.

Do you have to declare all Magic Missile targets when you cast it?

You declare which targets you’re hitting and with how many darts as you cast the spell. The darts all strike their targets at the same time.

Does Magic Missile work against invisible creatures?

You must be able to see the target to target it with Magic Missile. If you’ve got an ally who knows the Faerie Fire spell, that will help you line up your shots!

Does Magic Missile go around cover?

As long as you can see the target, you can target them with Magic Missile. So an enemy archer popping out from behind partial cover might be considered fair game (depending on your DM, you might need to ready an action though) but an enemy behind full cover would not be able to be targeted.

Can Sorcerers use the Twinned Spell Metamagic with Magic Missile?

To qualify for the Twinned Spell Metamagic, a spell has to only be capable of targeting one creature. Since a single casting of Magic Missile is capable of targeting multiple creatures, it cannot be twinned with Metamagic.

Final Thoughts – Magic Missile 5e

“Magic Missile” may be one of the most straightforward spells in D&D, but that reliability and versatility make it a staple in the toolkit of any Wizard or Sorcerer.

Whether you’re a magical apprentice or a seasoned archmage, understanding how to wield this spell effectively can make a world of difference in your adventures.

We hope this guide has illuminated the many facets of “Magic Missile” and inspired you to experiment with it in your own campaigns.

Now, we want to hear from you! Have you had any memorable moments with “Magic Missile” in your games? Do you have any tips or tricks for fellow spellcasters? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below!

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