Welcome, aspiring potion-masters and elixir enthusiasts, to the wonderful world of the Alchemist Artificer!

If you’ve ever dreamed of concocting magical brews that can heal your allies, melt your enemies, and occasionally turn your party members into temporary superheroes, then you’re in the right place.

The Alchemist Artificer is the mad scientist of D&D 5e, blending the arcane arts with a dash of chemistry and a pinch of chaos.

This guide is here to help you navigate the bubbling cauldrons and fizzing flasks of this unique subclass, ensuring you maximize your potential without accidentally turning yourself into a frog (unless that’s your thing, no judgment here).

So grab your alchemist’s supplies, don your best lab coat (or wizard robe, we don’t judge fashion choices), and let’s dive into the mystical, magical, and occasionally explosive world of the Alchemist Artificer.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to brew up some serious fun and maybe even save the day—or at least make it a lot more interesting!

This is the full guide to the Alchemist Artificer in D&D 5e!

What is the Alchemist Artificer?

Picture this: a character who strides into battle not with a sword or a staff, but with a bandolier of bubbling potions, a satchel of mysterious reagents, and a gleam of mad genius in their eye.

That’s the Alchemist Artificer for you—a master of magical chemistry, a wizard of weird science, and the ultimate support class with a penchant for turning the tide of any encounter with a well-timed elixir.

The Alchemist Artificer is the epitome of versatility and ingenuity. They harness the raw power of alchemy to heal, buff, and blast their way through any challenge.

Need to patch up your wounded comrades? There’s a potion for that.

Want to debilitate your foes with a splash of acid or a cloud of poison? The Alchemist has you covered.

This subclass is all about transforming mundane substances into miraculous solutions, making them indispensable in any adventuring party.

But it’s not just about the practical benefits—playing an Alchemist Artificer is a chance to embrace your inner mad scientist.

Imagine the fun of role-playing a character who is constantly experimenting, always on the brink of a breakthrough (or a spectacular failure).

Whether you’re whipping up a batch of experimental elixirs or tinkering with your latest invention, the Alchemist Artificer brings a delightful mix of creativity and unpredictability to your game.

The Alchemist Artificer appears alongside the Artificer core class and other subclasses in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.

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Role in the Party

In the chaotic symphony of adventuring parties, the Alchemist Artificer plays a crucial and harmonious role.

Think of them as the ultimate support crafter, but with a twist of unpredictability and a splash of excitement. Their primary functions revolve around healing, buffing allies, and dealing damage with their unique concoctions.

We’ll start with their healing…

The Alchemist Artificer shines brightest when patching up wounded comrades. With their Experimental Elixirs and the Alchemical Savant feature, they can whip up potions that restore health and provide temporary hit points. This makes them invaluable in keeping the party on their feet during tough encounters.

Beyond healing, the Alchemist Artificer also excels at enhancing the capabilities of their allies.

Their elixirs can grant various beneficial effects, such as increasing movement speed, boosting resilience, or even enhancing combat prowess. This ability to adapt their support to the party’s needs makes them a versatile and strategic asset.

But don’t be fooled by their supportive nature—Alchemist Artificers can also pack a punch!

With spells and abilities that deal acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage, they can target enemy weaknesses effectively. The Alchemical Savant feature further amplifies their offensive capabilities by adding their Intelligence modifier to damage rolls.

Outside of combat, the Alchemist Artificer’s broad skill set and tool proficiencies make them exceptional problem-solvers.

Whether it’s crafting potions to overcome environmental hazards, using their Restorative Reagents to cure ailments, or employing their extensive knowledge of alchemy to decipher arcane mysteries, they bring a wealth of utility to the party.

The Alchemist Artificer is the Swiss Army knife of adventurers—always prepared, endlessly resourceful, and ready to turn the tide of any situation with a well-timed potion or clever concoction!

Alchemist Artificer Features 5e

So, let’s now get into the details and look over the features you gain as an Alchemist Artificer in D&D 5e.

Each feature is like a new ingredient in your magical recipe book, adding layers of complexity and bursts of flavor to your character. From concocting experimental elixirs to mastering the art of alchemical savant, these abilities will transform you into the ultimate arcane chemist.

Get ready to stir up some excitement and brew your way to greatness!

Recommended: Artificer Infusions in D&D 5e Explained!

Tool Proficiency (Level 3)

Every great journey begins with a single step, and for the Alchemist Artificer, that step involves mastering the tools of your trade. This feature lays the foundation for all your future alchemical exploits, ensuring you have the skills needed to brew up some serious magic.

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan’s tools of your choice.

At 3rd level, as you embrace the Alchemist Artificer specialization, you become proficient with alchemist’s supplies. This means you are adept at using the various instruments and ingredients needed to create potions, elixirs, and other alchemical wonders.

Your proficiency allows you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make using these tools, whether you’re concocting a miracle cure, brewing a healing potion, or stirring up a potent poison.

But what if you’re already a seasoned alchemist with proficiency in alchemist’s supplies?

Fear not! This feature ensures that your expertise continues to expand.

If you already possess proficiency in alchemist’s supplies, you can choose another type of artisan’s tools to master. Whether it’s smith’s tools, tinker’s tools, or any other set of artisan’s tools, this additional proficiency broadens your skillset and opens up even more creative possibilities.

Alchemist Spells (Level 3)

Ready to expand your magical repertoire and add some serious flair to your spellcasting? The Alchemist Spells feature is here to supercharge your alchemical prowess, giving you a suite of powerful spells that are always at your fingertips.

Let’s dive into this enchanting feature and see how it transforms your spellbook into a veritable arsenal of arcane wonders.

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Alchemist Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

At 3rd level, as you delve deeper into the mysteries of alchemy, you gain access to a set of spells that are always prepared for you. These spells are specifically chosen to complement your role as an Alchemist, enhancing your ability to heal, protect, and unleash magical mayhem.

The best part? These spells don’t count against the number of artificer spells you can prepare, giving you more flexibility and firepower.

Artificer LevelAlchemist Spells
3Healing Word, Ray of Sickness
5Flaming Sphere, Melf’s Acid Arrow
9Gaseous Form, Mass Healing Word
13Blight, Death Ward
17Cloudkill, Raise Dead

It’s always fantastic to have Healing Word ready to pick up an ally, so expect to get some good use out of that. Admittedly, the same can’t be said for Ray of Sickness. Your spell slots are limited, so you want to make sure you’re getting dependable value out of them.

Your spells at level 5 are both solid offensive options.

Melf’s Acid Arrow can be useful and is guaranteed to do at least some damage. I must confess that being a nuisance and using Flaming Sphere to herd enemies is a recently-found new pleasure in my own current game.

Level 9 gives you two fantastic spell options.

Gaseous Form is fantastic for getting in and out of places when you need to do either some infiltration or make an escape. Mass Healing Word is, of course, excellent for all the reasons we love Healing Word and then some!

At level 13, Blight can deal some nasty single-target damage, especially if you’re up against a plant creature like a Corpse Flower. Meanwhile, Death Ward is a simply incredible buff that you’ll absolutely get some great use out of.

Finally, the spells you gain at level 17 are pretty solid.

Cloudkill can be diabolical if you’ve got a way of making sure the enemies stay in the effect, which shouldn’t be a problem at this point. I’ve got mixed feelings about gaining Raise Dead at these upper levels, but it’s nice to have just in case your party has no other option for reviving a fallen comrade.

Experimental Elixir (Level 3)

Ready to add some serious fizz and flair to your alchemical arsenal? The Experimental Elixir feature is where your inner mad scientist truly shines.

With a touch of magic and a dash of creativity, you’ll be brewing up concoctions that can heal, enhance, and even transform your allies.

Oh, and luck. Every Alchemist needs to have a bit of luck on their side, as well…

Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can magically produce an experimental elixir in an empty flask you touch. Roll on the Experimental Elixir table for the elixir’s effect, which is triggered when someone drinks the elixir. As an action, a creature can drink the elixir or administer it to an incapacitated creature.

You can create additional experimental elixirs by expending a spell slot of 1st level or higher for each one. When you do so, you use your action to create the elixir in an empty flask you touch, and you choose the elixir’s effect from the Experimental Elixir table.

Creating an experimental elixir requires you to have alchemist supplies on your person, and any elixir you create with this feature lasts until it is drunk or until the end of your next long rest.

When you reach certain levels in this class, you can make more elixirs at the end of a long rest: two at 6th level and three at 15th level. Roll for each elixir’s effect separately. Each elixir requires its own flask.

1 (Healing)The drinker regains a number of hit points equal to 2d4 + your Intelligence modifier.
2 (Swiftness)The drinker’s walking speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour.
3 (Resilience)The drinker gains a +1 bonus to AC for 10 minutes.
4 (Boldness)The drinker can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to every attack roll and saving throw they make for the next minute.
5 (Flight)The drinker gains a flying speed of 10 feet for 10 minutes.
6 (Transformation)The drinker’s body is transformed as if by the Alter Self spell. The drinker determines the transformation caused by the spell, the effects of which last for 10 minutes.

Ok, so there’s a lot to take in here.

However, this is the Alchemist’s most important feature, so let’s make sure we’re thorough in covering it!

How Does Experimental Elixir Work?

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to create an experimental elixir after each long rest. This magical brew can have one of six potent effects, determined by a roll on the Experimental Elixir table.

So that’s one free mystery elixir you’re getting at the end of each long rest. (You’ll still know what it does once you create it, but what that effect is is determined using the Experimental Elixir table.)

Want something a little more… specific?

As you level up, your potion-brewing prowess grows. So why stop at just one?

By expending a spell slot, you can create additional elixirs, choosing their effects directly from the table. This allows you to tailor your concoctions to the needs of your party, ensuring you’re always prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead.

At 6th level, you can create two elixirs after a long rest, and by 15th level, you can produce three. Each elixir is a unique creation, offering a range of benefits that can turn the tide of battle or provide crucial support in a pinch.

Whether you’re healing wounds, boosting speed, or granting temporary flight, these elixirs are sure to add a splash of excitement to your adventures. Notably, several of these options, cast as spells, would usually require concentration, which doesn’t apply here since they’re gaining the effect from the elixir!

With the Experimental Elixir feature, you’re not just an adventurer—you’re a magical mixologist, ready to brew up some extraordinary effects and keep your party in top form!

Alchemical Savant (Level 5)

Ready to take your alchemical artistry to the next level? With the Alchemical Savant feature, you’ll harness the full power of magical chemicals, turning every spell into a masterpiece of healing and/or destruction.

At 5th level, you’ve developed masterful command of magical chemicals, enhancing the healing and damage you create through them.

Whenever you cast a spell using your alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus, you gain a bonus to one roll of the spell. That roll must restore hit points or be a damage roll that deals acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage, and the bonus equals your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

With the Alchemical Savant feature, your expertise in magical chemistry shines through every spell you cast. Here’s how it enhances your abilities:

  • Healing Mastery: Whenever you cast a healing spell using your alchemist’s supplies as your spellcasting focus, you add a bonus to the healing roll. This bonus is equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). This means your healing spells are more potent, ensuring your allies get back on their feet faster and stronger.
  • Enhanced Damage: The same bonus applies to damage rolls that deal acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage. When you cast a spell that uses your alchemist’s supplies as the focus and deals one of these damage types, you add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll. This makes your offensive spells even more devastating, allowing you to melt, burn, or corrupt your enemies with increased efficiency.

The Alchemical Savant feature not only boosts your effectiveness but also solidifies your role as the go-to expert for all things alchemical.

Imagine the look on your party’s faces when your healing spells pack an extra punch, or when your acid splash sears through enemy defenses with newfound potency!

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Restorative Reagents (Level 9)

Get ready to elevate your alchemical game with a touch of healing magic and a sprinkle of resilience!

The Restorative Reagents feature is your ticket to becoming the ultimate support crafter, enhancing your elixirs with extra vitality and granting you the power to remove debilitating conditions with ease.

Starting at 9th level, you can incorporate restorative reagents into some of your works:

Whenever a creature drinks an experimental elixir you created, the creature gains temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point).

You can cast Lesser Restoration without expending a spell slot and without preparing the spell, provided you use alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus. You can do so a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

At 9th level, your expertise in alchemy reaches new heights with the Restorative Reagents feature. Here’s how it supercharges your abilities:

  • Temporary Hit Points: Whenever you craft and administer an experimental elixir, your allies don’t just benefit from the elixir’s primary effect—they also gain temporary hit points. This bonus equals 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point). These extra hit points can be a lifesaver in tough battles, giving your team that crucial buffer to withstand enemy attacks.
  • Lesser Restoration on Demand: Sometimes, all it takes is a good antidote. With this feature, you can cast Lesser Restoration without using a spell slot or preparing the spell, as long as you use your alchemist’s supplies as the focus. This spell allows you to cure conditions such as blindness, deafness, paralysis, and poison.

Imagine the relief on your party’s faces when you not only heal their wounds but also bolster their defenses with temporary hit points. And when nasty conditions threaten to derail your plans, you can step in with a timely Lesser Restoration, keeping everyone in top form.

Restorative Reagents makes you an indispensable asset to any adventuring party, combining your healing prowess with the ability to protect and cleanse.

With this feature, you’re not just brewing potions—you’re crafting lifelines and ensuring your team’s success in every encounter.

Chemical Mastery (Level 15)

You’ve journeyed far and honed your craft to perfection. Now, at 15th level, you achieve the ultimate in alchemical prowess with the Chemical Mastery feature.

This is where your deep understanding of magical chemicals truly pays off, granting you unparalleled resilience and the power to perform miraculous feats of healing.

By 15th level, you have been exposed to so many chemicals that they pose little risk to you, and you can use them to quickly end certain ailments:

You gain resistance to acid damage and poison damage, and you are now immune to the poisoned condition.

You can cast Greater Restoration and Heal without expending a spell slot, without preparing the spell, and without providing the material component, provided you use alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus. Once you cast either spell with this feature, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest.

At 15th level, your exposure to a myriad of magical chemicals has toughened you against their harmful effects. Let’s look closer at the benefits:

  • Damage Resistances and Immunity: You gain resistance to both acid and poison damage, significantly reducing the harm these elements can inflict upon you. Additionally, you become immune to the poisoned condition, ensuring that toxins and venoms are nothing more than minor inconveniences. This newfound resilience allows you to wade through hazardous environments and confidently face even the most venomous of foes.
  • Greater Restoration and Heal: Your mastery over alchemical magic grants you the ability to cast two of the most powerful healing spells—Greater Restoration and Heal—without expending a spell slot, preparing the spell, or providing the material components. Greater Restoration can end debilitating conditions such as exhaustion, petrification, and curses, while Heal can restore a whopping 70 hit points in an instant. You can use each of these spells once per long rest, provided you use your alchemist’s supplies as the spellcasting focus.

Imagine the awe of your companions when you shrug off acid splashes and poisonous clouds, standing strong and unyielding. Now, picture their gratitude when you then cure their most severe afflictions or restore them to full health with a single spell… for free.

Chemical Mastery not only makes you a formidable force on the battlefield but also a beacon of hope and recovery for your party.


Bringing your Alchemist Artificer to life means more than just mastering potions and elixirs; it’s about crafting a compelling backstory and finding meaningful connections with the world and your fellow adventurers.

Your character might be driven by an insatiable curiosity and a desire to uncover ancient alchemical secrets. Perhaps they’re searching for a legendary formula or a mythical ingredient that can revolutionize their craft. This quest can lead them to join an adventuring party, seeking forgotten ruins and arcane libraries.

Or maybe your alchemist’s past experiments went horribly wrong, causing harm to others or themselves. They could be on a journey to atone for these mistakes, using their skills to heal and protect. This redemption arc can provide rich storytelling opportunities and emotional depth!

You should also have no trouble getting along with your party members as well!

As the party’s primary healer, your character naturally bonds with those they save. Their ability to provide crucial support in battle and cure ailments can quickly make them a beloved and indispensable member of the team.

Even beyond healing, your alchemical creations can benefit every member of the party. From enhancing the Rogue’s agility to boosting the Fighter’s resilience, your elixirs create opportunities for unique interactions and teamwork.

And, of course, your Alchemist’s inquisitive nature can lead to fascinating collaborations with other party members. They might work with the Wizard on magical experiments, assist the Ranger in identifying rare herbs, or help the Bard craft enchanting potions!

Is the Alchemist Artificer Good?

The Alchemist Artificer is a well-rounded subclass that excels in healing, support, and versatility while remaining fun and engaging to play. Its unique blend of magical chemistry and thematic elements makes it a standout choice for players who enjoy creativity and adaptability with a touch of the random.

Whether you’re keeping your party alive, enhancing their abilities, or dealing damage to foes, the Alchemist Artificer is a solid and enjoyable option for any campaign.

One of the Alchemist Artificer’s greatest strengths is its ability to heal and support allies. With features like Experimental Elixir and Restorative Reagents, you can provide crucial healing and temporary hit points, keeping your party in fighting shape.

The ability to cast Lesser Restoration and, later, Greater Restoration without using spell slots ensures that you can remove harmful conditions and ailments, making you an indispensable asset during tough encounters.

Though, as with all Artificers, the Alchemist Artificer is about versatility.

Your elixirs offer a range of effects, from boosting speed and AC to granting flight and transformation abilities. This adaptability allows you to tailor your support to the needs of your party, whether you’re in the heat of battle or exploring dangerous terrain.

Plus, with the Alchemical Savant feature, your healing and damage spells pack an extra punch, making you effective in both offensive and defensive roles.

But what sets the Alchemist Artificer apart is the sheer fun of playing a magical chemist.

This subclass greatly encourages creativity and experimentation, giving you the freedom to concoct a variety of potions and elixirs. The thematic elements of alchemy add a unique flavor to your character, and the role-playing opportunities are endless.

Whether you’re a meticulous scientist or a wild-eyed inventor, the Alchemist Artificer lets you bring your character to life in exciting ways.

Conclusion: Alchemist Artificer in D&D 5e

The Alchemist Artificer is more than just a subclass; it’s an invitation to explore the limitless possibilities of magical chemistry.

With its potent healing abilities, versatile support options, and engaging gameplay, this subclass offers a unique and rewarding experience. Whether you’re concocting life-saving elixirs, enhancing your allies’ capabilities, or unleashing devastating spells, the Alchemist Artificer ensures that every session is filled with excitement and creativity.

By choosing the Alchemist Artificer, you’re not just adding a valuable member to your adventuring party—you’re embracing a role that encourages innovation, problem-solving, and a touch of mad genius.

So, don your lab coat, grab your alchemist’s supplies, and get ready to mix up some magic. Your journey as an alchemical maestro awaits!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide and feel inspired to bring an Alchemist Artificer into your next campaign. Have any thoughts, questions, or experiences you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below and join the conversation.

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