Among the assortment of dependable cantrips in D&D 5e, it might be easy to initially overlook Thorn Whip.

This spell isn’t just your average magical attack—it’s a versatile tool that can turn the tide of battle, solve tricky puzzles, and add a dash of creativity to your gameplay.

Imagine you’re in the heat of combat, surrounded by foes, and you need to pull that pesky goblin into the range of your party’s raging Barbarian. Or perhaps you’re exploring a dungeon, and there’s a lever just out of reach across a pit of spikes. Thorn Whip can handle both situations with ease, and that’s exactly what makes this humble cantrip so special.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into what makes Thorn Whip a must-have in your magical arsenal. We’ll explore the mechanics of the spell, share some tips and tricks for using it effectively, and weigh the pros and cons to help you decide when to whip it out—pun intended.

So ready your arcane focus, put on some extra thick gloves, and let’s unravel the secrets of Thorn Whip together!

What is Thorn Whip 5e?

Thorn Whip is a Druidic cantrip that conjures a vine-like whip bristling with thorns, ready to lash out at foes up to 30 feet away.

With an arcane gesture and a bit of verbal incantation, you make a melee spell attack against a target. If you hit, the creature takes piercing damage, and if it’s Large or smaller, you can pull it up to 10 feet closer.

The damage scales as you level up, making it a reliable tool throughout your adventuring career. Simple, sharp, and surprisingly versatile—Thorn Whip is more than just a prickly problem for your enemies!

LEVEL: Cantrip


RANGE/AREA: 30 feet

COMPONENTS: V, S, M (the stem of a plant with thorns)


SCHOOL: Transmutation

ATTACK/SAVE: Spell Attack

DAMAGE/EFFECT: Damage, Control

SPELL LISTS: Artificer, Druid

You create a long, vine-like whip covered in thorns that lashes out at your command toward a creature in range. Make a melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes 1d6 piercing damage, and if the creature is Large or smaller, you pull the creature up to 10 feet closer to you.

At Higher Levels: This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

How to Use Thorn Whip 5e Effectively

So, you’ve got your Thorn Whip ready to go. Now, let’s talk about how to wield this thorny tool like a pro! We’ll first cover some tips for using it in combat and then look at some utility uses for it.

Combat Tactics

  1. Pulling Enemies into Hazards: Picture this: a bandit is standing perilously close to a pit of bubbling acid. With a well-aimed Thorn Whip, you can yank them right into that nasty surprise. This tactic works wonders with environmental hazards like traps, cliffs, or even a well-placed bonfire. Pull an enemy archer off their perch to add some falling damage to the mix and really ruin their day!
  2. Positioning for Area-of-Effect Spells: You know what they say: teamwork makes the dream work! Use Thorn Whip to pull enemies into tight clusters, setting them up perfectly for your Wizard’s Fireball or your Cleric’s Spirit Guardians. It’s all about making those big spells hit as many targets as possible.
  3. Combining with Other Spells: One of the best combos is pairing Thorn Whip with the Spike Growth spell. Pulling an enemy through the spiky terrain not only deals the initial damage from Thorn Whip but also forces them to take additional damage from the spikes. Ouch!

Utility Uses

  1. Environmental Interaction: Need to pull a lever that’s just out of reach? Or maybe you want to grab a key dangling from a hook across the room. Thorn Whip isn’t just for combat! It’s also a handy tool for creatively interacting with your surroundings!
  2. Creative Problem-Solving: Imagine you’re in a dungeon with a narrow passageway filled with traps. Why not use Thorn Whip to trigger those traps from a safe distance? Or perhaps you need to retrieve an item from a dangerous spot—let Thorn Whip do the heavy lifting!

By mastering these tactics, you’ll find that Thorn Whip is much more than just a simple attack spell. It’s a versatile, multi-purpose tool that can turn the tide of battle and help you navigate the trickiest of situations with flair.

So go ahead, give it a crack, and watch your enemies squirm!

Pros and Cons of Thorn Whip 5e

Every spell has its highs and lows, and Thorn Whip is no exception. Let’s break down the pros and cons so you can decide when to wield this prickly power.


  1. Versatility in Combat and Utility: Thorn Whip isn’t just for dealing damage. Its ability to pull enemies closer can set up devastating combos, drag foes into hazards, or even reposition them for your allies’ attacks. Outside of combat, it can interact with the environment in creative ways.
  2. No Expensive Material Components: Forget about hunting for rare herbs or expensive gems. Thorn Whip only requires a verbal and somatic component alongside a thorny plant (easily covered by an arcane focus), making it easy to cast in a pinch without worrying about material costs.
  3. Scaling Damage: As you level up, so does Thorn Whip. Starting at 1d6 and ramping up to 4d6 at higher levels, this cantrip remains a reliable source of damage throughout your adventures. It’s like a fine wine—it just gets better with age.


  1. Melee Spell Attack: Despite its 30-foot range, Thorn Whip requires a melee spell attack to hit. This means you need to get relatively up close and personal, which can be risky if you’re not built for frontline combat.
  2. Limited Directional Control: Thorn Whip only pulls creatures closer. If you’re hoping to push enemies away or move them sideways, you’re out of luck. This limitation can make the spell situational, depending on your positioning and the battlefield layout.
  3. Effectiveness Can Be Situational: While Thorn Whip shines in many scenarios, there are times when pulling an enemy closer isn’t ideal—like when you’re trying to keep your distance from a particularly nasty foe. Assess the situation before snapping that whip!

FAQs – Thorn Whip 5e

Can Thorn Whip pull a creature through obstacles?

No, Thorn Whip cannot pull a creature through solid obstacles. The spell’s effect relies on a clear path between you and the target. If there’s a wall, a sturdy door, or any other solid barrier in the way, the creature won’t be pulled through it.

Does Thorn Whip provoke opportunity attacks?

No, the movement caused by Thorn Whip does not provoke opportunity attacks. The spell’s effect is considered forced movement, and according to the rules, forced movement does not trigger opportunity attacks.

But while this won’t open up opportunity attacks from your allies, there are still plenty of strategic ways to pile on the damage using Thorn Whip!

Can Thorn Whip be used to pull allies?

Technically, yes, you can use Thorn Whip to pull allies, but it comes with a catch—literally.

The spell deals damage to the target, so while you can pull a friend out of danger, they will take some piercing damage in the process. Use this tactic sparingly and only when the benefit outweighs the damage.

Can Thorn Whip be used on flying creatures?

Yes, Thorn Whip can target flying creatures, as long as they are within the 30-foot range. However, keep in mind that pulling a flying creature closer to you may not necessarily ground it unless you pull it into an obstacle or out of the air in a way that disrupts its flight.

Does Thorn Whip work on larger creatures?

Thorn Whip can affect creatures up to Large size. However, it won’t work on Huge or Gargantuan creatures. For those massive foes, you’ll need to rely on other spells or tactics to control their movement. However, it will still deal damage so it’s not totally useless against these bigger creatures like Frost Giants.

Conclusion – Thorn Whip 5e

Thus, we wrap up our deep dive into the prickly potential of Thorn Whip in D&D 5e.

From its versatile combat applications to its creative utility uses, this spell is a must-have for any Druid looking to add a little strategic flair to their arsenal. Whether you’re pulling enemies into hazards, setting up devastating combos, or solving puzzles with style, Thorn Whip is a tool that can turn the tide of any encounter if used cleverly.

Hopefully this guide has inspired you to experiment with Thorn Whip and explore its many possibilities. But don’t just take our word for it—get out there and try it for yourself!

And when you do, we’d love to hear about your experiences. Did you discover a new combo? Pull off a legendary move? Share your stories and thoughts in the comments below!

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